For those wondering what the cost of getting the PCBs made, I’ve put together a summary.

4SX1 – PCB Only Quantity of 20 was $8.83 so $0.44 each

8SX1 – PCB Only Quantity of 30 was $10.60 so $0.35 each

4SX8 – PCB Only Quantity of 15 was $21.40 so $1.43 each

I had the 4SX1s assembled and soldered. The PCBA cost was $15.70 plus cost of the connectors.

Input Block – $0.77 X 20 = $15.40

Output Header – $0.48 x 20 = $9.60

Jumpers – $0.02 x 2 x 20 = $0.80

So, for complete assembly for the 4SX1 it was a total of $50.33 or $2.52 fully assembled.

The rest of them I am soldering myself (not looking forward to that). But you can extrapolate the costs.

For the 8SX1 – 2 output headers $0.96, 1 input block $0.77, 4 Jumpers $0.08, and $0.35 for the PCB. Total of $2.11 per board plus value of time to solder.

For the 4SX8 – 8 output headers $3.84, 8 input blocks $6.16, 16 Jumpers $0.32, and $1.43 for the board. Total of $11.75 per board plus value of time to solder.

Shipping from China cost me just as much as the PCBs themselves. PCBs including the assembly charge for the 4SX1 was $56.53. Shipping was $46.49 which adds about $0.72 per PCB.

Now keep in mind these numbers go down the more in bulk you order. I don’t need bulk so this is where the price ended up for me. Total cost of everything is as follows:

20 QTY – 4SX1 – $50.33 + $14.40 Shipping = $64.73 ($3.24 each)

30 QTY – 8SX1 – $63.30 + $21.60 Shipping = $84.90 ($2.83 each)

15 QTY – 4SX8 – $176.25 + $10.80 Shipping = $187.05 ($12.47 each). Considering the4SX8 is essentially 8 4SX1s on a board it comes out to $1.56 per each of the 8 sections on this board.

Grand total spent on this project was $336.68.

I’d recommend getting these assembled/soldered at the manufacturer if you can find one that is able to get the components in a timely fashion.

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